Kırşehir Ahi Evran University (Coordinator Institution)

Erhan GÜNEŞ is a PhD graduate on Education Technology. He is an Assoc. Professor at Ahi Evran University Computer Education and Instructional Technology Department. His areas of interest are distance education, teacher training, implementation of ICTs in education and instructional design. He participated in many courses about project management and ICT utilization in education. He studied on e-learning, interaction and educational content development. He has many scientific publications in these subjecs and he participated in various projects regarding technology and education.

Assoc. Professor Dilek ALTUN is a PhD graduate on Early Childhood Education. She is an Associate Professor at Ahi Evran University Department of Elementary Education- Early Childhood Education. Her areas of interest are preschoolers’ reading attitudes, home and school literacy environments, preschoolers' early literacy development and cross-cultural perspectives on early childhood education. She participated in many courses. She has many scientific publications in these subjects and she participated in various projects regarding Early Childhood Education. She has 3 awards in her undergraduate and graduate education.

Uğur BAŞARMAK is a PhD graduate on Computer Education and Instructional Technology. He is an Assist. Professor at Ahi Evran University Computer Education and Instructional Technology Department. His areas of interest are graphics and animation, educational games, cartoons and humor training. He also worked in robotics coding and cartoon animation projects in Turkey.
Gazi University

Mutlu Tahsin ÜSTÜNDAĞ is a PhD graduate on Education Technology. He is currently working in Gazi University Computer Education and Instructional Technologies Department. His areas of interest are distance education, teacher training, implementation of ICTs in education and instructional design. He gives lectures on algorithms, data structures, visual programming, rapid application development in education and business, internet programming, database management, project management and ICT utilization in education. He has many scientific publications in these subjects and he participated in various projects regarding technology and education. He also worked in national and international projects and made educational need analyses in Turkey and among international partner countries. He is a member of Turkish National Commission for UNESCO.

Mustafa Tanrıverdi received the Ph.D. degree in Management Information System from Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey, in 2017. His PhD thesis subject is about decision making systems for mobile cloud offloading. He was working in Department of Computer in Gazi University, Turkey until 2007. He has research interest are algorithms, software development, mobile applications, cloud computing, database management and blockchain.

Mevlüt Uysal received the Ph.D. degree in Management Information System from Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey, in 2020.

University of Latvia

Linda Daniela is professor and senior researcher, Chair of the Council for PhD Defence in Pedagogy, Head of the Scientific Institute of Pedagogy at the University of Latvia. She also serves as Expert in Education at the Council of Sciences of the Republic of Latvia. Her expertise spans Smart Pedagogy, Virtual Education, Smart Education, Digital Learning Materials, Educational technologies for learning, Educational robotics, Educational processes and solutions for reducing social exclusion from the educational processes, and Behavioral problems. Professor Daniela is an author and co-author of more than 60 publications about processes in all dimensions of education. She has been involved in more than 30 research projects. At the moment she is leading the research projects: “Human, Technologies and Educational Quality”; “Audio learning materials for preschool education” and “The gap between political development documents and real practice of digitalization of higher education”. She has been involved in editing books and journals on Technological aspects in the Knowledge Society.

Katrina Elizabete Bieza is Pedagogy master program student in University of Latvia. She has a 3-year working experience as a teacher. Her experience with preschool age students involves working in special education class as well as working with 5-6year-old kids as a visual arts teacher and in early childhood education. Currently working as scientific assistant and researching teacher digital and pedagogical competence in teacher education.

University of Bucharest

Beatrice Almasan university lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences from University of Bucharest; also a psychologist specialized in psychological education, school and vocational counselling, with responsibilities regarding the ways of ensuring psycho-pedagogical assistance for students. She has implemented and monitored communication and collaboration platforms with distance learning students for over 18 years. She designs themes with specific psychoeducational aspects of teaching and learning in various environments. Due to her experience gained in speech therapy and corrective activities for children with special educational needs, learning difficulties she had great results in practical activities.

Anisoara Dumitrache, PhD, is university lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences from University of Bucharest. Her PhD thesis is focused on educational platforms and their importance in distance learning. She has many scientific publication on distance and blended learning, Digital Game Based Learning, Open Educational Resources, and Google for Education products. Currently, she teaches ICT related disciplines for “ICT in education” master degree, and for bachelor programmes. She is founding member of "Center for research and promote equity in education", and since 2006 is working in European projects.

Early Years

Mary O'Reilly is the International Professional Lead for EARLY YEARS Mary has over 27 years’ experience providing EARLY YEARS Specialist services and training to community based and private early years settings. She has been involved in a number of International projects in order to reflect the Northern Ireland experience and enhance mutual learning and sharing opportunities. She has represented the organisation at conferences and seminars in Italy, Turkey, Albania and Macedonia and delivered ECD and Peacebuilding training in the Balkans, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan and Palestine. Mary has organized and taken part in study trips to Reggio Emilia, Boulder School, Colorado and was principal trainer in Hebei Province China. Mary is the key player representing Early Years in Erasmus + and H2020 projects She is tutor and assessor on the Level 5 Leadership and Management qualification and is part of the leadership team delivering on the Accreditation /Quality Assurance scheme in Early Years. Her career has given her extensive experience of supporting, training and mentoring EARLY YEARS Practitioners, Trainers and Specialists. Her work focuses on identifying and meeting the needs of early years services, promoting quality in early years settings and improving outcomes for young children in partnership with other agencies.

Yvonne has over 18 years of experience in the field of Early Education. Currently she manages the commissioning, purchasing, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of services and activities from statutory, voluntary and community agencies; to achieve the maximum benefit to the Sure Start community of young children and their families. In her professional capacity working with a developing team she continues to promote the raising of standards and improving quality in the early years. Yvonne has a particular interest in delivering training and in her current position, she provides support and advice to practitioners who are currently undertaking a wide range of Early Years qualifications. Consequently she keeps herself updated on current research and encourages reflective practice within her team in order to promote best outcomes for young children and their families.

Scuola Di Robotica

After studying philosophy, she founded a series of popular science books, whose first book was "A life among the stars" by Margherita Hack. From 1999 to 2004 he collaborated with the Italian Research Council (IAN and IEIIT institutes) on the social impact of Advanced Robotics applications. In 2000 she co-founded the School of Robotics, of which he is now Vice President. In 2004 she collaborated with the robotic Gianmarco Veruggio in the promotion of the original idea of Roboetics, i.e. an applied ethics governing the design, production and use of robotic products. She participated in the European project Atelier on Roboethics (2005) and in the first European project within the 7th Framework Programme dedicated to mapping European robotics (CARE). Operto wrote the section on Roboetics. Together with the robotics Gianmarco Veruggio, she wrote the chapter on Roboetics of the prestigious Springer Handbook of Robotics of 2008 and, with G. Veruggio and George Bekey, the new edition of 2016. In 2008 he brings to Italy the project Roberta, Le ragazze scoprono i robot, dedicated to use educational robotics to promote STEM skills to girls and girls. Since then, the project has been adopted by other educational institutions. In 2008 she received the Blackberry Awards as Tecnovisionaria. She is a member of the High-level Advisory Committee of ECWT (European Centre for Women&Technology) and consultant of The Open Roboethics Initiative. He is the Italian Referent of the European Robotics Week; and member of the Executive Board of the Foundation for Responsible Robotics.

After technical studies in Electronics and Telecommunications I got a degree in Physics at the Genoa University. I always focused my mind on the practical and hands-on activities, and to the industrial applications of the sciences, never forgetting the importance of the use of technology to teach. I also firmly believe that sciences are valuable only if they are ethically used and shared with scientific dissemination. I taught for two years electrical installations and systems in a vocational school. Since the 2011 I am involved in educational robotics teaching and science disseminations. I worked as collaborator in teaching and science sharing projects with some entity including Scuola di Robotica, Associazione Festival della Scienza, MadLab 2.0. From the beginning of the 2019 I am a full time employee in Scuola di Robotica, where I deal with project of educational robotics and science dissemination, organizing and holding classes to students and teachers. In the 2015 I obtained the Lego Education Certification.


Yıldırım Özkaya is an experienced educator in carrying out EU Education Programs, In addition to teaching in a vocational high school he has also experience in European education and research projects.He has been involved in many EU projects so far such as, LdV, Comenius School Partnerships, Comenius Regio, Comenius Network Projects and Erasmus+ KA1 and KA2 School Education projects.